Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One year...

Dear Friends,

I'm writing on the one year anniversary of my diagnosis. Recent studies suggest that while the five year mark is still critical, the first year is now the most important. I was diagnosed on August 4, 2010, so I'm really happy to be at my first big milestone.
It's also a milestone for my father, who turns 80 today. Two happy events.
Some of you have contacted me and would like an occasional update in the coming year, so I'm not going to sign off just yet. But I'm going to change the picture to show how I look now (the one posted today was taken this past March with my new hair). My hair comtinues to grow in darker than a year ago, my chest is another shape, but otherwise, I look pretty much the same.
Only the inside is different.
Tomorrow, Julie, Walter and I meet to begin planning a small book that will explore cancer, cancer treatment, recovery and life. Julie will take the photographs, Walter will provide the poems. Walter and I have talked about my experiences at length and what he has written is really amazing. I wish I could have had a book like this when I began treatment. Hopefully it will bring someone else comfort.
I wanted to end the first year and begin the second my including a poem Walter send to me a few months ago. It sums up my feelings today...
Love to you all,


I'm composing poems and singing songs
songs to be played
on bones,
poems that travel
through veins
words that write histories
in the creases
around our eyes
they speak and sing
and shout and ring
running at life
flat out.

1 comment:

  1. Kip, I love the new picture. I love Walter's poem and the book project as well. Congratulations on reaching this important milestone. I hope the year ahead is reflective, rich, and rewarding.
