Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hi Friends,
I'm happy to report that week two is now complete. It was a short week with the holiday last Monday, but I'll take it. There isn't much to report other than I have the usual side effects: fatigue and a burn that is beginning in the radiated area. This past Thursday was the first day I felt depleted as I left the hospital. The side effects are worst right after the treatment, so I'm making it a practice of coming home and putting my head down.
I began taking Effexor last week to help with the joint pain, and the pain has definitely lessened. The stiffness continues with soreness, and I hear my joints click throughout the day. Uugh. Still, that's better than relentless pain.
Catherine told me that according to Abbie, one of the goals of aging is not drying out. I SO understand that now--eyes, skin and joints certainly take a moisture hit during cancer treatment. Now it's all about keeping my skin moist, and for that I alternate aloe vera and lubriderm 4 or 5 times a day. So far, so good.
Much love,


  1. Dear Kip:
    While watching the Academy Awards tonight, I saw a quote by Lena Horne: "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." I thought of you - you are carrying this load of yours as gracefully and bravely as anyone possibly could. You amaze me!
    Love, CLR

  2. Yes, let's all stay hydrated! I'm a walking infomercial for Clinique Dramatically Different, Perrier, and cold water vaporizers.

    Congratulations on finishing Week Two!


