Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 2, doing well

Hi Everyone,

With much wonderful care from Catherine and Jules, I got through day one fine. By the evening, it was like having the energy loss of a flu with the gut of a stomach flu, but I know it can be much, much worse. I'm still cautious, because sometimes the chemo side effects can kick in a day or two later, but I'm optimistic. Tired today, just back from the hospital for a shot that will help with blood cell production in order to fight infections. After being at the hospital almost every day for the last 3 weeks, we now get a week away from there, which is really great.
Many thanks again for all your love and support and more soon,


  1. We're all thinking about you here at the SoM. Enjoy your week "off," and take heart from the strength within and around you.

  2. Hi Kip - thinking of you and wishing you strength as you face this illness.

  3. HI, Kip,

    I saw Leda (from QUFA) yesterday afternoon. She sends her love. She has her 5th chemo on Monday.

    Love, Roberta

  4. Hey Kip and Catherine:

    You guys are always on my mind...


