Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, Sept, 13

Hi Everyone,
Well, today is the first time in 41 years that I wasn't going back to school (on my sabbatical I took the winter terms, so I was always back in September). A strange feeling. Did it all go ok with those of you who went back?
Today I struggled with some nausea throughout the day, and felt like I'm in between worlds. I think that's true physically speaking, I'm just off the big drugs from the chemo but not yet quite ready to eliminate the last drug. They want me off the last one as soon as possible, and I reduced it once, but I'm not able to go without it yet. I'll do another day before I try to go down again. It's important not to get behind the's a little unforgiving when it has the upper hand.
Hope you are all well...
Much love,


  1. Hi Kip and Tito and Blanket,

    So good to hear that Tito is leaving town soon.

    Thinking of you each and every day Kip.

    Ciao for now. Giselle

  2. Yeh. You take your sabbaticals winter term and I take fall-- I love not going to the university in September. You can go back again, but once you have been away in September there is ... I'm not sure. It is something that says the university is not the most important thing about life.

    Yeh, Stay ahead of nausea, of pain. Don't go for the tough guy approach.

