Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, Sept 20

Hi Friends,
More energy today, and Catherine, Jules and I went for a walk down at the butterfly garden at the end of Parklawn Road. The garden is truly amazing, it borders on Lake Ontario and the Toronto skyline is in the backdrop. Because it only takes a few minutes to drive there, and because it makes you feel like you are in another rural world, I suspect we will frequent it this fall and winter.
Catherine ran 7k today (well done!) and we did our meditation, then went for the walk. Jules made a lovely dinner upon our arrival home.
My eyes are still burning today - quite an annoying side effect. We meet with the oncologist tomorrow to go over my blood work and symptoms (including how to deal with them) and learn more about Tito and Blanket's status. Update to follow tomorrow night.
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. hey Kip and co. Happy to hear of the higher energy. What's better than walking in a stunning garden? Beautiful things growing encourages the same in us. Catherine, it's nice to hear/read your voice on the blog, 7K wow!. Crossed fingers for good news. My heart and thoughts are with you always, Walter
