Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back to the Rodeo

Hi Friends,

Well, we have our special gloves and socks, a blanket, a pillow, a book, ipods, and many drugs. I woke up this morning with a small cold that I likely picked up at the hospital yesterday, but tonight it feels under control. I was in disbelief about this cold this morning - I haven't been in public (other than the hospital) since August and as many of you who have come to visit me know, I've been incredibly careful to minimize my physical contact with everyone. Just goes to show you can't control everything. It will be fine.
I also want to thank my Secret Santa. Today the UPS man delivered a book by Carlyle Hirshberg and Marc Ian Barasch entitled *Remarkable Recovery: What Extraordinary Healings Tell Us About Getting Well and Staying Well.* It looks really good and will be great reading over the next few weeks. Thank you Santa, whoever you are...
I'll be back to the blog in a few days.
With love,

1 comment:

  1. Here's a little prayer for chemo #6

    blessing the boats
    by Lucille Clifton

    (at St. Mary's)

    may the tide
    that is entering even now
    the lip of our understanding
    carry you out
    beyond the face of fear
    may you kiss
    the wind then turn from it
    certain that it will
    love your back may you
    open your eyes to water
    water waving forever
    and may you in your innocence
    sail through this to that
