Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chemo 6, November 4

Dear Friends,
Catherine here. Today went well, much better than last time. We arrived early and got the 'corner suite': a real hospital bed. That, plus the pillow, blanket, beanie bag, and tylenol 3s, (and an angel nurse named Michael) made everything much smoother and easier than last time. We arrived at 8:10 (thanks to Julie for the ride in the dark!) and left at 4:10. What we first thought might be three hour days are clearly a whole day, once they give pre-meds and infusion.

In order to protect her finger tips, they put Kip's hands in baggies of ice chips. This is a low-tech approach; when the capillaries leading to the fingers are constricted, the poison, ah, 'medicine', doesn't reach there. So this seems like it would be uncomfortable, but it seemed just fine.

For now, Kip is a little nauseous and tired, but it was a much less traumatic day than last round.

We came home to another surprise package: Thomas More's 'Dark Night of the Soul' (which I have read but Kip has not) and a paper doll book of pirates for me (I'm doing research on pirates right now). Thanks Mary Louise!

Kip has a new symptom you might as well all know about. When the UPS man drives down the street, or stops in front of the house, she stands at the window and wags her tail. If the UPS man comes to the door, well, then she, um... barks...very convincingly I must add. This makes me laugh.

Odd. Perhaps a transient symptom.

Now, to get through the next few days. We feel prepared with percoset and the recipe for a date loaf that will counteract the effects of the opiates.

Love to all,
Catherine (for Kip)


  1. Congratulations Kip on getting through one more chemo day! If I'm correct, two more treatments to go and that's a very small number. Two is always so much smaller than three.

    I know these are hard days. Here's a virtual bravery bead to add to your virtual collection.

    On virtual stuff (this is under the category of 'distraction') -- Paul and I are watching Caprica, the one-season only prequel series to Battle Star Galactica. Highly, highly recommend this one (and BSG too)!

    Love and hugs,


  2. Even through all of this you both retain a terrific sense of humour!
    I have to tell you Cath, please remind Kip not to bark too loudly at the UPS drivers or it may scare them away and she'll miss her next surprise! You know postal carrier syndrome and all that...

    Sending you another virtual hug Kip and keeping you in my toughts. Cath, sending you one too.
    Sam is on the piano bench behind me and he says: "hi, I hope you feel better".

    Love, Ruth for Andrew, Sean and Sam too!
