Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, November 11

Dear Friends,
This past August, as I was beginning chemotherapy, my friend Giselle went to Italy for her sabbatical. Giselle has an apartment on Lake Como, one of the deepest lakes in Europe, and offered to take some of my hair to place in the water. In the end, she took a few of my locks, as well as some strands from Catherine, Julie, and Kathy. This fall, she made a tiny doll (shown above), placed the hair inside, and sent it off on a small pod into the lake. The idea was that when my new hair grows back and I recover (next summer), I will meet her back in Italy, we will cut off a few new strands and place them in the lake to replace the old hair. Thanks, Giselle, for following through on the first part of this ritual, and I really hope to meet you at Lake Como to complete it.

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Kip,

    Oh, that is so beautiful, and Lake Como is a totally magical place. I love the thought of your locks floating amidst those very pure waters from the Alps--perhaps being picked up by some Alpine birds to build a nest. The colours are also so lovely in the image: like an incredible abstract painting, with colours so nearly opposite each other on the colour wheel (but not quite) that the effect is stupendous.

    Peace, love, e sempre coraggio,

