Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chemo 4: Half done!

Dear friends,
Catherine here. It was a long day, chauffered by Judy Davidson, we waited 3 and a half hours to get into chemo daycare, but Kip is now officially half way through chemo! She is now sleeping and will write again tomorrow. In the meantime, know that your poetry helped us pass the time today in the ward.

Love to all,


  1. Ciao Kip, Ciao Caterina...

    Here is an Italian piece of poetry by a contemporary Sicilian artist I recently came across.
    It's an ode to flowers, the way they speak to us, the power within their beauty...
    With Thanksgiving just around the corner giving thanks to nature and beauty and bounty seems timely.
    I really look forward to us exploring together Lake Como when the time comes.
    For now, here are some images captured especially for your eyes over the last 50 days.

    A presto,


  2. That's great news! May the second half go as quickly and painlessly as possible. With lots of love, Sammi

  3. Congratulations Kip! Half-way is huge and deserves celebration and self-indulgence (when you are feeling up to it). Seems to me I bought some great shoes at that point. At least now you have probably experienced all of the symptoms that you are going to, and have figured out how to cope with them. That is a huge feat. Now, you can just set your eyes on that finish line. I know you still have much ahead, but you are through the toughest of it.
    I hope you are feeling better soon to take in some fall colors and smells.
    Best wishes, Shannon

  4. Congrats, Kip! My poetry suggestion is Frank O'Hara: fun, queer, complicated. Anything from Lunch Poems to his odes are great. There's a collection of his works pretty widely available. Best poem title? "I live above a dyke bar and I am happy."

    Lotsa love from the us non-westerners out west.

