Sunday, October 31, 2010

Taxol Nails!!!???

Happy Halloween...


  1. We think of you often. Abbie told me about this lovely blog. What a great idea. Sydney, Teivo, Marcus and I send you peaceful and positive vibes. Send my love to Catherine. Big hugs, Susanne

  2. That is amazing! But you must have had the nails professionally done? Not from the dollar store? (I'm making a real effort to not buy from China-- a real challenge). OK, so I get it -- chemo joke.

  3. Those nails are the shit, man. Post-gender something or other. A tad porn-ish actually but so is Chemo a' la the love-hate thing. I want to sit on your couch and be...
    I want to sing and harmonize until we can reminisce about the percussive manner in which Tito Wentes. Seriously lame but I love you and Love means never having to say you're sorry for hideous puns.
    I am here and thinking about you...
