Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, Oct. 25, election day

Dear Friends,

Kip had another day of fighting relatively intense pain. We goofed off, watching 4 hours of Coronation Street, getting out of our pyjamas after 4 p.m. As it turns out, it was a good day to bury our heads in the sand, given the results of the mayoral race here.

Kip is now on Tylenol 3's, and we hope for a day of less pain tomorrow. Kip did sleep relatively well last night, and I hope for another good night. Today, I'm struggling with feeling like I can't make the pain go away. Somehow it's different than nausea, I'm not sure why. Of course, both insistent pain and insistent nausea erode you; maybe it's just that pain is the new (and unwelcome) kid on the block.

Thank you to all of you,


  1. Kip and Catherine,
    I am sorry you are both in pain right now. I will send soothing vibes and pray that tomorrow is better.

  2. Sorry to hear that "pain" is a new unwanted friend in your lives. When I was reading this post a song came to mind from a radio station that I listen to (KLOVE). I listen online too, as it's full of positive and encouraging music. Here's the words to the song:

    Before the Morning, sung by Josh Wilson

    "Do you wonder why you have to
    Feel the things that hurt you
    If there's a God who loves you
    Where is He now

    Maybe there are things you can't see
    And all those things are happening
    To bring a better ending
    Someday somehow you'll see you'll see

    Would you dare would you dare to believe
    That you still have a reason to sing
    Cause the pain that you've been feeling
    It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming
    So hold on you gotta wait for the light
    Press on and just fight the good fight
    Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
    It’s just the dark before the morning

    My friend you know how this all ends
    And You know where you’re going
    You just don’t know how you’ll get there
    So say a prayer

    And hold on cause there’s good for those who love God
    But life is not a snapshot
    It might take a little time but you’ll see the bigger picture

    Would you dare would you dare to believe
    That you still have a reason to sing
    Cause the pain that you've been feeling
    It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming
    So hold on you gotta wait for the light
    Press on and just fight the good fight
    Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
    It’s just the dark before the morning

    Once you feel the weight of glory
    All your pain will fade to memory
    Once you feel the weight of glory
    All your pain will fade to memory, memory, memory

    Would you dare would you dare to believe
    That you still got a reason to sing
    Cause the pain that you've been feeling
    It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming

    Would you dare would you dare to believe
    That you still got a reason to sing
    Cause the pain that you've been feeling
    It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming

    Come on you've gotta wait for the light
    Press on and just fight the good fight
    Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
    It’s just the hurt before the healing
    Oh the pain that you’ve been feeling
    It’s just the dark before the morning
    Before the morning"

    Hang in there Kip and Catherine - believe, because morning is coming!

    Love, Sheri

  3. Don't know if you like John Lennon, but he sometimes helps. Here's a playlist -- 5 songs -- one album side. Click on the link and "Play all." 18 minutes.

    Take care Kip


  4. The Josh Wilson song is on youtube as well, if you want to have a listen along with the lyrics.

  5. Thinking lots about you both from out here and sending along a link to a very funny (and--vulgar alert--inappropriate) video of Miss Piggy choreographed to Peaches on the topic of pain. You may have seen it before (it's done the rounds). I like to play it when I feel like crap.

    Hope you all feel, if not well, then better soon!


  6. Hi Kip, Hi Catherine,

    As I was wandering around the lake today I found myself at the Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio and although I had not consciously met a yew tree in my life, today I was introduced to two of Scottish and one Chinese. I now know what a yew tree looks like thanks to your reflection the other day and today's encounter.

    After reading today's post I found myself marveling at the beauty and the pain of loving another person to the point that we cannot help but struggle when they are in pain. Thank you both for your honesty and for allowing us to be there with both of you in spirit.

    Today I sent the old hair that we cut off back in August on it's way along the lake's surface close to shore. Let's look forward to being here together with new hair when the time comes.

    Here is a you/yew song that speaks to the way the 2 of you "get" each other in times of joy and in times of pain.

    See if you can spot the 27 shots of Villa Balbaniello point where we will one day stroll together and watch the day go by. I thought of you both each time I took a picture of that Balbaniello point. You both gave me a chance to meditate on how the same "place" looks different depending on where we are standing and the light and life's mood. Grazie.

    Con amore,

