Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, Oct. 1 - Purgatory

Dear Friends,

I have decided that purgatory is the best way to describe this state of being. Not enough energy to move, nor able to sleep, I am in a twilight of life force. I thought to myself today, when was the last time I really stopped? And I think I never really have. While I have a few editing projects that I am anxious to finish, creating new thoughts seems very far beyond my reach. I am actually settling in to be okay with this, after fighting with it for a time. It is quite strange to think about a whole parallel life going on without me.

Barb stopped by this afternoon for a visit, and she and Catherine went to get the fixings for the next Thanksgiving dinner! Sunday promises to be delicious. I am at the end of the low cycle (day 10) and look forward to a little more energy in the coming days. In the meantime, we have unwatched episodes of Glee ready for us.

1 comment:

  1. It says something about the way we live that we don't stop until our bodies refuse to go on. Not exactly a wise way to live.

    The equivalent to purgatory in Buddhism is bardo, described as a place half-way between waking and sleeping, after dying and before living. Like Walter mentioned to you, it is a place of purification. If you think about this state you are describing in this way as one of being between waking and sleeping you can meditate on that experience. Watch your breath and bring your attention inside to your mind at your heart. Take advantage of this halfway point as one where you can access your subtle mind because your body and your busy mind have slowed down. Focus on the subtle mind at your heart as you breathe and increase your knowledge of your mind and the compassion you have for all living beings. When you end your meditation, dedicate this merit to your full recovery and the good health and long life of all living beings.

    Om Mani Paeme Hum.


